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Thursday 29 October 2015

260 Q&A With Jedi

So This week we got to have a puttle chit chat with inspirational rapper Jedi !funny how much we didnt know about the Helium Prime signed Artist.
Q&A With Tha Jedi
Question 1: How long have you been in the game??
Answer: for 5years

Question2: Why did you do music?

Answer: Because its what I love to do..

Question3:what inspires you?

Answer: Am inspired by my life,how it works,different perspectives and different cultures and basically just life

Question4:what advice would you give an upcoming??

Answer:stay focused,follow your dreams and don't let any bring you down..

Question5:what do you do in your spare time??

Answer: Play with your nephews,eat a lot,watch a lot of movies and music

Question6:what the craziest thing you've ever done?

Answer:lol you don't wanna know
Question7:why do you think rap should be called an art??

Answer: Because music is art and art is music.
Question8:sharwama or pizza?

Question9: What new projects have you worked on and when can we get them??

Answer:I've worked on a new single called "RED HEARTS  and SMILEY FACES" with Dj twenty six,you can get it on the 260 Africa page or my page on facebook "Tha Jedi"

"They will always be people who will tell you, you cant do it you don't have to be one of them".
The Jedi.....

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