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Wednesday 21 October 2015

260 Q&A With Teazy

So today we had a chat with Teazy also known as Taonga Zulu and asked him a couple of questions to get to know him more..
Question1:Why did you chose music??

Answer: Well I love music and I have a passion for it

Question2: what are the top 5 songs on your playlist right now

Answer: well I don't  keep a definite playlist but av been listing to  
-M7's praying for my Nation
-Da truth Ugly Love
-Nas -the world is and addiction
- Timbaland- white wedding
-and Just instrumentals

Question 3 :What advice do you have for upcoming artistsa and what should their focus be??

Answer: Well I believe Music can also be defined as a feeling an inner sensation so just do what you love and be real with who you are don't follow trend cause that's what's happening strive to be something greater

Question4: what inspires you?

Answer:Am inspired by ''Nas'' Music wise and the things around me in other words my Environment

Question5:  pizza or sharwama??
Answer: Pizza haha

Question6: what do you when you are not making music??
Answer: I love watching basketball,  playing Video Games ,Or just hanging Out with Family and Friends.
#Well There you have it,Teazy's Q&A...#stayonlock,keeponwatch,have a great day!

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